Organic date molasses
Benefits of date molasses
1. Benefit diabetics
If you have diabetes And you love the sweet taste, as you find what you want in the date molasses, which contains sugars that are digested more slowly, which helps to stabilize the blood sugar level.م.
You can use date molasses with sweet bread and cakesك ginger، Add it to sweeten other baked goods.
2. Supports bone health
Everyone knows that calcium is essential for strong bones but not everyone knows the importance that magnesium plays in their growth..
Date molasses contains both calcium and magnesium, so it can help you preventن Osteoporosis And diseases that affect the blood and heart.
3. It benefits the blood
Anemia It is a pathological condition in which the body does not contain a sufficient number of red blood cells, and sufferers often feel tired and weak.عف.
Dates molasses is a good source of iron. If you eat about 5 tablespoons of it, it provides you with 95% of the daily quota of iron..
Besides adding it to recipes, you can add it to hot water and warm or cold drinks as a dietary supplement..
4. Possesses antioxidant properties
Accordingا to study It has been shown that date molasses contains antioxidants in greater quantities than those found in honey or other natural sweeteners.
prove studies Another is the ability of these antioxidants to protect cells from free radicals that increase the risk of cell damage associated with cancer and other diseases.
5. Benefits heart health
This is because of its high potassium content, which is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart health in general.
proved study Studies on animals: The ability of date molasses to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the blood, which is important in protecting against heart disease and strokes.
6. It benefits hair health
Date molasses helps to remove the aliasing in the Poetry، It makes it polished and has a strong luster..
You can dilute the date molasses solution by adding warm water and applying it to the hair for 15 minutes. You can also add it with other healthy hair ingredients such as: daily shampoo or coconut milk.هند.