Return Policy
You have 10 days after your order has been received in which you can request a return.
In order to be able to make a return request, your order must be in the same condition in which you received it, and it must be in its original packaging.
We will let you know if your return request has been accepted or rejected within two days.
If your refund request is accepted, your money will be automatically returned to your credit card, or the method by which you paid within a period of time that depends on your payment method.
You can only return the products you have purchased at their original price. The products you purchased were offered at discounts that you cannot return.
Late return requests:
If you haven't gotten your money back yet, check your bank account again.
After that, contact your credit card company, as the process of returning the money to your account may be delayed.
Also contact your bank.
If you did all of this, and you still haven't received a refund, contact us via our email:
Replacement Policy:
You can only exchange products that are damaged, or have defects.
If you want to exchange your product with the same product, contact us at:
Shipping costs:
You are responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning your order.
Shipping costs are non-refundable, and if you return your order, it will be deducted from its value.